Hagmann And Hagmann

Instability the New Norm on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report



The world has been changing for the worst as we are being hearded toward this false utopia or anri-christ kingdom. Today as well as in recent months we have witnessed the fluxuation of the stock market both at home and internationally which are so interconnected one nations economy imacts the other nations economies as well. We will be talking about ths as well as other important news and taking your phone calls in the third hour. Here is the link to the listen live &archive page. It contains the Live stream links at the top of the page and then the archives below. http://www.gsradio.net/shows/hagmann_and_hagmann/ https://www.youtube.com/user/TeamKNEIN/featured link to the youtube channel https://soundcloud.com/hagmann-hagmann-report link to the soundcloud page