Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast With Shae Bynes

KDE 449: Unlocking Kingdom Inheritance Through Meekness



During this insightful discussion, we examine how embracing meekness can be the key to unlocking the Kingdom inheritance God has prepared for you. Don't miss this empowering episode as we navigate the path to becoming the type of child that inherits the promise of God. Episode Highlights Include: Exploring the message behind Matthew 5:5 - "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth" and its implications in receiving God's inheritance. Understanding the key to receiving the same inheritance Jesus received and how meekness plays a crucial role. Discussing why meekness is often misunderstood as passive and disorder its power in the context of the Kingdom.  Uncovering the significance of waiting on the lord, as illustrated in Psalm 110, and how pride can hinder us from receiving our rightful inheritance. Recognize the danger of operating in pride and how it can lead to missing out on the promises and blessings God has for His children.  Practical insights on adopting a posture of meekness in various a