On The Edge With April Mahoney

Zsa Zsa Tudos the creator of Akia Philosophy and healing joins me On the Edge



Youtube Version https://youtu.be/M8aUCOilUhs Teacher, Healer, international clairvoyante and author. AKIA Philosophy says that one can only understand oneself through the Universe. Also says that everything is always in motion and constantly changing. This interrelation of energies warns us that we are responsible not only for ourselves, but everybody and everything for everybody and everything affects us, our state of mind, our way of thinking, health and behaviour patterns. AKIA Philosophy carries the total understanding of the interrelation between the micro – and macrocosm, looks upon everything as an essential part of the whole and upon the whole as an essential part of everything, for all organic and inorganic energies enjoy the same level of importance. This belief makes up the strong foundation of AKIA Philosophy®.