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ARMR Action: 3 Day Weekend! Market Closed Monday



Stock Market Investing: $SPY $QQQ $DIA $TLT $IWM $ARKK  $INDA $ISRA $EWZ $SPXL $GLD $SLV $GDX  Consolidations usually last more than a day but this power trend is...powerful Markets gapped higher and then closed the gap testing the lows of big shakeout Wednesday. At 1:30 I shared this message on the ARMR Trading Desk, "On an $SPXL Day Trade from 1:30sih. Question: Will today be the reciprocal of yesterday's trading? 2:30 marked the beginning on the aggressive selling [yesterday]. Will 2:30 be the beginning of the buy program today?" The answer was, of course, Yes, and we nailed the rally all the way to the close We are looking for strength to continue into the holiday weekend as is usually the case. However, read & react is our mantra. Usually a big sell off day like Wednesday is followed by more selling/consolidation. Due to the "power trend" strength of this Q4 run I lean toward more sideways action than aggressive downside but head on a swivel as coach used to say. DISCLAIMER: All of ARMRreport,