Various Thoughts From Dennis Shaw

Episode 16: Context Matters with Mark Calhoun, Wyoming DS



Our guest today is Mark Calhoun, District Superintendent for Wyoming and our topic is context: how important understanding the contextual lay of the landscape is to effective ministry.   I have a world of respect for Mark Calhoun.  Mark is extremely thoughtful and always engages his brain before he speaks.  He epitomizes mindfulness in a leader. An unedited Adobe file of the transcript is HERE.  Note:  Unedited.   Part of Mark's drive towards context emerged from his time at St. Paul School of Theology in Kansas City.  The focus there was on understanding the demographics and the community makeup of the local church.  Who is there?  What does it look like?   Mark served in Wichita, Kansas before coming home to the Mountain Sky Conference.  He was four years in Polson, Montana and eight in Lander, Wyoming before taking the Superintendency in Wyoming in 2020.  He has been a gifted connectional leader in those three plus years.  Gifted.   Mark mentions he is a Type 2 on the Enneagram, and that is a helper and de