Rehabilitating Your Investment Portfolio

Stock Market Investing: Managing Success & Shifting Some Risk



Risk Monitor [Market] commentary: End of year drift higher underway but watch out for 1st 2 weeks of 2024 All is well with the advance as the expected drift higher this week began well with leadership from Small Caps [IWM]Often when markets run hot into year end the 1st 2 weeks of Jan. can be dicey.Investors can on occasion hold off on booking gains until the new year for tax reasons so early Jan. can see some aggressive selling.This action would be a welcome pullback/consolidation that would set up the next buy point.For now, that means avoid aggressive new investments and/or shift some capital to sectors just beginning an advance from a strong base.Never chase extended stocks, ever, but especially at this point in the cycleAs you manage risk and book gains at targets or get Stopped out on positions building up some cash would be a reasonable approach.The market rally will take a break and being ready to take advantage of that instead of being controlled by will be the difference. Highlights Stocks to Watch: