David Hathaway

The importance of prayer (Part 2)



Mark 11 is so revolutionary, so powerful, it has changed my life! Jesus saw a fig tree full of leaves and He came hoping to find some figs (v13). But He found nothing but leaves. So many Christians are like that fig tree – you can see them in some Christian conventions – all show, all leaves, a lot of shouting, a lot of noise, a lot of emotion. But no fruit, no result, nothing but leaves! This is one of the biggest problems I find today, a highly charged atmosphere, but no fruit. I love the singing, the worship, but let’s celebrate the victory when the church is moving in revival, souls are being saved and the prostitutes, drug addicts, ‘feral youths’ and criminals are coming to Christ! It’s a problem in the West, in America, in Europe: a lot of noise, a lot of talk, a lot of emotion – but it’s empty. If a wind comes, if a storm comes – the wind will blow them away! Don’t be like that. I want you to be the strongest believers anywhere in the world: people with fire, people with power, people who pray, people