Cleverly Changing Podcast

Lesson 106: Teaching Young Entrepreneurs



[Opening music fades out]Host: "Welcome back to the Cleverly Changing Podcast. I'm your host, Elle Cole. Mom of two twin daughters. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that ignites creativity and innovation: guiding our youth to become successful entrepreneurs."The essence of entrepreneurship for kidsHost: "Before we jump into the practical aspects, let's understand the essence of entrepreneurship for kids."For today's episode, we define entrepreneurship as creating a profitable business.The essence of entrepreneurship for young kids is recognized when they step back, identify various issues in their communities or industries, and take innovative steps to solve the problems they see. Their clear result is a successful business, recognition, and impact.Host: "Entrepreneurship isn't just about starting a business; it's about fostering a mindset. It's teaching kids to identify problems and create solutions. Take young Marcus, for example. He noticed the lack of recycling bins in his neighborhood and decided to