Anne Ortelee Weekly Weather Astrology

Anne Ortelee's December 24, 2023 Weekly Weather



A week of change, change and more change.   Mars is out of bounds in Sagittarius and meets up with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius to reveal all sorts of secrets, information, ideas and ah ha moments.  We are on the second pass so still more to be revealed when we have our third pass.  Once Jupiter stations and turns direct at the end of the week, Mars has a whole new lease on life!! Jupiter stations to go direct on Saturday so we feel him stopped in earth and adjusting our approaches to things.  He and Uranus went retrograde in September while they waited for the rest of the planets fo finish the job.  Now things will move full speed ahead!   Chiron stations and moves direct.  He's traveling towards Uranus bringing change to existing structures that have caused us pain in the past.  Venus enters Sagittarius and puts on her dancing shoes.  The Node of Fate is still on the world point so relationships shift more into freedom mode with both Mars OOB and Venus in Sagittarius ruling the Aries North Node and