Podcast Envy: Podcasting Mindset, Voice, Impact Beyond Starting, Launching, Monetizing

Your Green Light to Make a Change for Your Podcast



I don't want to offer you another recap roundup or year in review episode. The other thing I'm not offering you is a “new year, new you” episode. But I DID want to come on here and have a podcast conversation with you because things are changing. And I'm actually pretty excited for 2024! When you started your podcast, you had an idea in mind, probably, of what you wanted to offer to your audience, a problem that you were solving or something that you wanted to speak to. And maybe you’ve been chugging along and you felt great and it was working and it was making a difference and people were joining your podcast and your audience was growing and then something happened.  You became bored or disillusioned with your show, or your numbers kind of stagnated or maybe even dropped. But it’s not that you suddenly are doing something wrong – it’s that your community, your audience is also changing. And so what it is that they need now and how can you shift to meet that need? This episode was originally recorded as a