Commonwealth Podcast For Holistic Herbalism

Herbs A-Z: Urtica & Vaccinium



DECEMBER SALE: 20% off every course & program we offer, all month long! Use code KINDNESS at checkout!As we draw near the end of our tour of the home apothecary herbs, today we come to nettle and bilberry.Urtica dioica, nettle, is an herb who can help with a really vast array of health issues. Sometimes we half-jokingly refer to “nettle deficiency syndrome”: a constellation of imbalances due to poor mineral nutrition, fluid stagnation, systemic inflammation, and associated symptoms. In truth, many green nutritive herbs and food plants help resolve this – but nettle is a particular standout, and is often a great choice for a month or two of work to establish a new baseline. Do compensate for its drying qualities in people of dry constitution, though! This can be done by formulating with marshmallow or other demulcent herbs, or by cooking the nettle into a soup or other food.Vaccinium myrtillus, bilberry – also known as European blueberry, whortleberry, huckleberry, and a variety of other common names – is