Mindfulness Mode | Interviews & Mindful Tips With Bruce Langford

Lighten Your Day; Professor Pete Alexander



Professor Pete Alexander knows how to help you lighten your day. He is an author, TEDx speaker, adjunct college professor, certified Laughter  Yoga leader, and improv comedy cast member. He is also the President of the greatest interior landscaping company in the San Francisco Bay Area – Office Plants by Everything Grows. Professor Pete helps inspire his students to develop and apply key concepts of marketing specifically to their area of interest. He supports his community by helping them laugh more and stress less. Professor Pete has had significant training in neurolinguistic programming (NLP). His most recent book is called, LIGHTEN Your Day: Fast, Easy, and Effective Stress Relief For When Sh&t Happens. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: wwwPeteAlexander.com Book: LIGHTEN Your Day: Fast, Easy, and Effective Stress Relief For When Sh&t Happens by Professor Pete Alexander Most Influential Person A professor I had back when