Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 509 Creating Authentic Communication



Every human has a longing to connect with others and build relationships. This seems especially difficult in the workplace as workload increases, hybrid work environments decrease in-person contact, and connection activities rarely occur. In this type of setting, we may feel confused about when to open up or how to ask the right kind of questions that help us get to know those we work with better. We often get stuck in the shallows of small talk. In today’s episode, Dr. Bray shares five skills for authentic communication. These five skills help you build and maintain relationships in the workplace. Research shows you are happier and more productive at work if you have friends. To learn more go to: **5 Skills for Authentic Communication by Elizabeth Millard. Experience Life Magazine, November/December 2023 Edition.