Critical Conversations

#042: New Year, New Perspective: The One Thing to Kickstart 2024 That Changes Everything



In the busy hustle of life, we often forget to pause and appreciate the marvel that is our physical existence. Do you struggle to believe that your body is working for you, and not against you? Imagine a world where every heartbeat, every breath, and every cell is a testament to the miracle that you are. In this special New Year's episode, we invite you to embark on an enlightening journey alongside Jennifer Klotz, MS, RDN, LDN, as she delves deep into the wonders concealed within the human body, all while nurturing a sense of greater kindness towards yourself and more body trust as you begin the New Year. We hope this episode uplifts and inspires you to view your body with newfound respect, kindness, and trust in 2024. Join us to explore the awe-inspiring miracles within, and kick off this new year with a kinder, more nurturing perspective towards your body.