

Faith Salie's recent commentary on Breaking News and its meandering into becoming of lesser and lesser importance for the viewers to be interrupted sparked my attention when Salie offered a simple suggestion: more depth, less drama.  As soon as she said it, my ears and mind perked up.  What a simple approach to living well. An approach to welcome more substance, less stress, more enjoyment, less unnecessary conflict and more tranquility and less anxiety. Could it really be that simple?  Let's start with the drama we unnecessarily welcome into our lives and what we might potential replace it with to improve the quality of our everydays: 1. Viewing Entertainment Less . . .  drama on the television shows, reality programming or films that further perpetuate stereotypes, harm, violence or simplification and/or misguided problem resolution. More . . .  depth offered in exploratory programming, documentaries, well-written, thought-provoking plots that include well-developed characters and uni