Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

2024 - Week 2 - Breathing Practice



All the Links - linktr.ee/barbarafaison (2024) - Week 2 - Breathing Practice It’s winter y’all and I really get into nerd mode at this time of the year. I enjoy reading and learning and resting. Right now I’m listening to the audio program, Unlock Your Wise and Mindful Brain on the Insight Timer app. As a premium member you get access to thousands of courses, including mine and I love learning, so there you have it. In the audio course, Dr. Karolien Notebaert, shares scientific proof that mindfulness is beneficial and essential for our well-being. In fact, she says as a scientist she really didn’t believe mindfulness meditation was beneficial until she tried it. And now it is one of the things she highly recommends to manage stress and to help with brain function.  Did you know that mindfulness can be practiced for 5 to 10 minutes a day to help you relax, increase your self-awareness, and calm your nervous system. I’m coming up on a birthday on the 22nd and giving myself permission to rest during the winter