Pandora's Box With Kaleah

Breaking the Cycle: Understanding Toxic Love (Is Falling in Love Unhealthy?)



In this thought-provoking podcast episode titled "Is Falling In Love Unhealthy?", Kaleah delves into the complexities of toxic relationships, the addictive nature of intense romantic chemistry, and the psychology behind why some individuals repeatedly attract partners who are narcissistic, addicted, or dysfunctional. Kaleah navigates through the intricate dynamics of love, exploring the initial rush of intense emotions, the neurochemistry behind it, and its differentiation from genuine, enduring love. Listeners are taken on a journey through the neurological processes that occur during the "falling in love" phase, elucidating how dopamine, noradrenaline, and norepinephrine play pivotal roles in creating feelings of euphoria and addiction akin to substance dependency. The narrative unfolds to explain the distinctions between lust, attraction, and attachment, shedding light on how familiarity, rooted in past experiences, can influence attraction and perpetuate dysfunctional relationship patterns. Drawing parall