Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Simplify Your Life and Get Organised. Transforming Spaces and Lives Feat. Shira Gill #469



Shira is all over our TV screens at the moment and a real expert in turning chaotic spaces into places of calm and order. Today she shares her belief in the power of 'less is more.' Today we explore the transformative world of decluttering and minimalism with Shira Gill.  It's a journey into creating spaces that not only look good but feel good and support your ideal way of living. I love chatting to Shira, and I immediately went off to tidy my place after recording this. I think you may do the same! Check out Shira Gill. Pre-order Shira's book Minimalista. Take Shira's FREE mini course.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BIOptimizers - When the vacation season winds down, it's time to get back on track with our health. Although it may not be easy, it's essential for our well-being. If you struggle to return to your health routine, I have a valuable lesson to share: focus on MAJORS. Prioritize healthy eating, exercise, and above all, quality sleep. That's why I exclusively recommend Magnesium Breakthrough.