Dr. Drew After Dark

Anxiety Experts w/ Eric D'Alessandro | Dr. Drew After Dark Ep. 219



Leave a voicemail for Dr. Drew to answer on the show at (818) 253-1693 or email your question to DrDrewAfterDark@gmail.com. This week Dr. Drew is joined by comedian Eric D'Alessandro. You can probably tell from his accent he's a part of a big Italian family from Staten Island. Dr. Drew throws him into the thick of it with some live calls about sex, dating, and anxiety. Eric has been out of the dating game for awhile, but he definitely knows a thing or two about anxiety. Dr. Drew shows Eric what Dr. Drew After Dark is all about with some emails about white and backdoor sex, as well as some all Drew's favorite Cool Guy videos. They wrap up the episode by helping a caller navigate dating with terminal cancer. Don't be bummed or let that deter you; Blind Bob will cheer you up. https://drdrew.com/ https://store.ymhstudios.com/