Fsr Energy & Climate

Georg Zachmann on the European power mix for power generation



Georg Zachmann is a Research Fellow at the European think tank Bruegel At the EU Energy Law & Policy Conference, 9 February 2016, Jean-Michel Glachant, Director of the Florence School of Regulation, talks with Georg Zachmann about the problems facing the European energy mix. “Member states very directly or indirectly, as much as Brussels allows, influence their fuel mix” “One of the big questions now is, it is essentially a zero sum game, all the member states are building up over capacities, and we have to get rid of some of those capacities, but those who move first that do not have any support schemes… are essentially losing money in the long term” “We need a certain too for coordinating our investment and divestment schemes again, the market doesn’t seem to play this role anymore… either we leave it to the market, or we coordinate between member states their policies, but currently there is none of the two and this situation is not sustainable”