Be Love

Ep 31 Zionna Hansen: Being an Advocate for others



Most all of us know someone who has been impacted by cancer.  It is a disease that has no prejudices, and can affect the young, old, poor, rich, men, or women. Today I am talking with Barbells for Boobs founder Zionna Hansen about what it means to advocate for those you love who have cancer. Zionna started Barbells for Boobs out of a need to help her friend who had struggled with the healthcare system after she knew something was wrong, but couldn’t get a mammogram because of her age. She was later diagnosed with breast cancer. Zionna has walked through her friend’s battle, as well as her sister’s battle with cancer.  She has such a passion for helping others. For 10+years she led Barbells for Boobs and finds herself in this season of life starting a new chapter.  Some things we talk about: *What it looks like to change courses and start something new.  *The difference between self-preserve vs quitting *Do you think we can serve too much?  *Can we intentionally manage burn out when we are going all in? *How d