Insurtech Insider By 11:fs

116. Insights: ESG in Insurance - demanding better



John Bean and Nigel Walsh are joined by some amazing guests to talk about all things ESG in insurance. ESG - Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance - is far from a new concept, but it has taken off in popularity over the past few years. And rightly so: ESG has the potential to reduce costs, boost stock performance, and increase customer and employee loyalty — among other things. Join us while we take a look at what the current landscape looks like, the challenges and opportunities in the space, and of course - the future! Joining us today: Shân Millie, Founder of Bright Blue Hare, & co-founder of Delegated Authority specialists, GreenKite Associates Alice Bowerman, Head of Marketing & Growth at Arma Karma All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider! Subscribe so you never miss an episode, leave a review on iTunes and every other podcast app. Spread the insurtech love by sharing or tweeting this podcast. Follow us on Twitter: @instechinsiders where you can ask the