Insurtech Insider By 11:fs

91. News: Suez Canal ship owner splits the bill & festivals are in the mud



Sarah Kocianski and Nigel Walsh are joined by a panel of guests to discuss the most recent and exciting news in the world of Insurtech. Joining us today are: Maria Goy, Co-Founder & COO at Spot Lisa Conway, CUO - USA at battleface We cover the following stories: Suez ship owner calls for freight owners to split damages 03:02 Insurtech Investments hits a new record! 09:20 Festivals in the mud 19:25 Marsh & Chubb team up on COVID-19 vaccine programme 29:41 Zurich warns e-commerce boom could spark warehouse blaze uptick 37:53 Car premiums see a record drop 38:41 Allianz tightens restrictions on coal, oil and sands business 39:41 Australian man sets up fake physio studio to help friend out 41:20 All that and much more on this week's episode of Insurtech Insider! Subscribe so you never miss an episode, leave a review on iTunes and every other podcast app. Spread the insurtech love by sharing or tweeting this podcast. This episode of Insurtech Insider was produced by Hanna Samue