Beyond Shakespeare

303: !Spoilers! The World and the Child (Part 1)



We are finally releasing this last of the pre-plague recordings - it's The World and the Child, or Mundus et Infans by the Unknown. Dating around 1500, printed in 1522, it's the smallest cast show on the block - potentially stageable with two (we used five) actors. As a pre-plague bonus recording, we are locked into the takes we made four years ago - but it's come out quite well. This first !Spoilers! episode unlocks the opening movement of the play (I call them movements, because they're not quite perfectly delineated as scenes - plus I like to sound arty) which is the most exciting to stage as a producer. How do you make the Child grow up before the audiences eyes? With Robert Crighton as The Child, who grows up fast into Wanton/Lust and Liking/Manhood, and Sarah Golding as The World. Earlier exploring session on the podcast can be found here - YouTube First and Second look sessions here -