Chats With Susan Burrell

Thriving with Cancer



EP #259 - Thriving with Cancer, An Interview with Jan Adrian, author and Executive Director of the non-profit, Healing Journeys.   I am not only honored but so grateful to have Jan Adrian as a guest once again on Empowering Chats. I last interviewed Jan about 2 years ago and since that time she has written a memoir entitled, Coloring Outside the Lines, Surviving and Thriving with Cancer for 30+ Years.  In this powerful chat Jan shares her life journey about living with cancer for over 30 years and how she came to understand and accept that she was never going to "beat" the cancer. She learned to accept her diagnosis and the many times it continued to show up in her body, even though her initial response was usually, "Oh S**T" she always found her way to the silver lining. Jan never intended to write a book, she felt there were too many books already written about cancer. However, after much prodding from her friends and those she worked with at her non-profit, Healing Journeys, she realized there had never be