Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Julie Miller Davis, Mastering Productivity and Cultivating Time Prosperity, Episode 328



I am thrilled to introduce you to our guest today, Julie Miller Davis. She is an expert in productivity, habits, and organizational systems. She discusses her journey from teaching to entrepreneurship. With a unique background as a former teacher and successful business owner, she emphasizes intentional planning, creating space for priorities, and introduces the concept of "time prosperity." Julie highlights the significance of resilience, taking responsibility, and making intentional changes to break old habits in fostering personal and professional growth.   In This Episode: Explore Julie's remarkable journey from being a high school English teacher to becoming a productivity and coaching expert. Recognize the importance of facing failures, extracting valuable lessons, and overcoming setbacks to foster your personal and professional growth. Embrace the "Circle of Control" concept, empowering you to assess controllable factors and make necessary adjustments for a healthier work-life balance. Un