The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

Movement Through Dimensions – Michael Feeley



Reports of otherworldly 8 foot shadow creatures at the mall may sound like a stretch of the imagination but, this is a tale as old as man. How far back in history can we go to look at the dimensional portals? Do you have a connection to the initiates of the past through your DNA? In a time of Hadron Colliders punching holes into other dimensions, AI and quantum computers creating life simulations, telepresence killer robots owned by a search engine, and frequency modulation devices sending bad movies into deep space while manipulating the planetary life force, where do our hearts, minds and souls fit into this picture of the future? What Michael is about to reveal is something very different to what has been stated before, very different to what so called scholars have told us. What you have previously been told can now be re-written…as the true message of our ancestors can now finally be heard… Be on the look out for The Movement - Illumination of the World Visit Michael Feeley is a fo