The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

The Joyous Blues – Hans Utter



To know or not to know is the question. How will the general public react to coming revelations and tribulations? Is conspiracy theory interfering with your true life's path? Can we envision ourselves into a different dimension? What's there really to worry about? World War? Aliens? Transhumanism? Asteroid? Pandemic? Invasion? Civil War? Economic Collapse? AI and robots? A black out? Anxiety disorders have become one of the most common mental illnesses in the US today, with around 40 million adults across the nation suffering from a form of daily anxiety. And, they don't know half of the trouble they are in! Music is the mystery of the universe. It is invisible and yet, revolutionizes the world. How is music used in the mind war and what effect does music have on our biology? Visit Hans Utter is a dedicated and accomplished musician, producer, composer, and writer. His workshops on music and healing, nada yoga, and Sufi music performances reflect his dedication to healing and transformati