Sherlock Holmes: Trifles

Hosmeric Hypocrisy



“You’ll be interested to hear that I am engaged.” [CHAS]     The name of this show was inspired in part by William Hyder, BSI ("A Most Valuable Institution"), who includes a half sheet of a trifling matter in the dinner packet of the Baker Street Irregulars each year. And as has become our tradition, each January, we use his Trifle.   Our attention turns to Hosmer Angel / James Windibank from "A Case of Identity," who led on Miss Mary Sutherland with whiskers, tinted glasses, a whispery voice, and a typewriter, before abandoning her. Holmes had no patience for a man who'd treat a woman this way. Until...  And that's just a Trifle.    If you have a suggestion for a Trifles episode, let us know at trifles @ If you use your idea on the air, we'll send you some Sherlockian goodies.   All of our supporters are eligible for our monthly drawings for Baker Street Journals and certain tiers receive thank you gifts. Join our community today.   Have you left us a rating and review on Apple