Global I.q. Minute With Jim Falk




Not all heroes wear capes, but the best of them take brave stands for people most in need. With a life devoted to issues that affect people in the margins, that bravery is woven in the very fabric of who Shalonda Spencer is. She has spent her career affecting legislation regarding women’s rights, foreign affairs, immigration, healthcare, and education – notably issues pertaining to people of color. Her voice has been heard in some of the nation’s most important spaces, from serving as a legislative assistant in the U.S. House of Representatives to working on presidential campaigns with bold platforms. She is a proven, decorated expert in women’s rights advocacy, serving in various advising roles for multiple organizations that elevate the causes of women. Today, Shalonda Spencer serves as the executive director of Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security (WCAPS), a global organization that advances the voices of women of color in International Relations. Aligned with her own life mission, WCAPS places an e