Global I.q. Minute With Jim Falk

The U.S. - Japan Alliance ~Economic Impact On North Texas



In the first half of the twentieth century, the United States and Japan navigated a tumultuous relationship. When devastating attacks from both sides during World War II led both countries to a desire to avoid any future conflict, a strong alliance formed. Today, that alliance has grown into a closely intertwined friendship, as the American and Japanese economies work together for mutual benefit. Increasingly, North Texas is playing an important role in this critical alliance. More than 170 Japanese companies, including major companies like Toyota and Fujitsu, have made their homes in North Texas and provided job opportunities and services to the region. In this program, we’ll dive into how DFW came to be a desired destination for Japanese businesses, explore the attraction and the mutual benefits to our population and the greater U.S. economy. Panelist: Yasuhiro Uozumi is the executive director of Keidanren USA in Washington DC. He has been with the organization for more than 20 years. Uozumi is a certifie