Global I.q. Minute With Jim Falk

The Contagion Next Time



Dr. Sandro Galea was born in Malta, spent his formative years in Canada, and entered adulthood in the United States. Multinational at his core, Dr. Galea learned early on that global health would be his life’s passion. While volunteering as a physician with Doctors Without Borders in Somalia, Dr. Galea realized that the only way to eliminate suffering at the individual and community levels was to look at health from a macro perspective. The experience led Dr. Galea to leave behind “the immediate gratification of medicine to labor in the vineyard of public health.” Named an “epidemiology innovator” by Time magazine and one of the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds” by Thomson Reuters, Dr. Galea stands at the forefront of global public health. His latest book, The Contagion Next Time, discusses ways that the United States can address underlying health issues to lay a solid foundation for American public health — an endeavor that may unlock the United States’ next phase as a “truly vibrant and equitable