Run To The Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide To Running

Building Community For Larger-Bodied Runners



Martinus Evans’ doctor told him that he needed to lose weight, but also that he couldn’t run. Martinus felt otherwise. He said he was going to start training for a marathon. The rest is history.  Over the past few years, Martinus wrote a book called the “Slow AF Run Club”, has built an impressive like-minded running community that supports non-traditional runners in larger bodies and has appeared on podcasts like this one and major events across the running world to share his message and vision for growing the running community. In this episode, we talk about: his entry point into the running community and what kept him inspired in the early days why running is not necessarily a weight loss journey for larger-bodied runners whether the running community is becoming less intimidating to enter into advice for runners struggling with doubt and insecurity when it comes to their athletic abilities how to cope with the pressure to be faster and achieve personal bests lessons learned from building a running communi