Run To The Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide To Running

Becoming A Sustainable Runner



Improving your mind, your body, and the impact your have on the running community and the greater environment around you - these are the topics of conversation in today’s episode with Tina Muir and Zoe Rom. Their upcoming book - Becoming A Sustainable Runner - serves as a practical guide for runners of all abilities and backgrounds who want to better support their own endurance journey, and extend those lessons into meaningful environmental action. Specifically, we discuss: strategies to strive toward ambitious running goals while fostering a healthy sense of self-worth the spectrum between self-sabotage and self-acceptance in running and the ways to land in the camp of self-acceptance more frequently throughout our running careers? accepting who you are while still entertaining ambitions for growth the major takeaways they’ve discovered around reducing injury risk, strength training, and eating appropriately to be your best running self their philosophy around imperfect environment activism practical strate