Run To The Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide To Running

How to Recover and Train Between Races



With the main portion of the spring racing season completed, many of you are likely pondering what you should do next. So, today our current and past coaching team are going to answer some listener questions about what to do after your race. Here’s what you’ll learn… Why you need to have a period of recovery after a marathon (and how to do it properly) How to deal with muscle soreness after races and why it might be happening to you more than normal. How to put a bad race behind you The best way to approach training for back-to-back marathons And what to do between races to optimize your long-term progression If you have questions you’d like our coaches to answer on the podcast, you can head to and submit them to us.  Connect, Comment, Community Follow RunnersConnect on Instagram Join the Elite Treatment where you get first dibs on everything RTTT each month! Runners Connect Winner's Circle Facebook Community  RunnersConnect Facebook page GET EXPERT COACHING AT RUNN