Run To The Top Podcast | The Ultimate Guide To Running

Gretchen Rubin-There is No Finish Line to your Goals: You Deserve More



Haven’t we all, at one time or another, struggled with getting new activities to become more permanent? Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project and fellow Podcaster, shares her research with us on how to create lasting habits. And because no single strategy works for everyone, she dove deeper into different personality types and how they can use their inherent predispositions to their advantage. She also discussed the challenges different personalities traits have so we can be aware of avoiding potential roadblocks. In her studies, she identified 4 general personality types: Upholders, Questioners, Obligers and Rebels. A link to her quiz is included below so you can learn how you may be able to make long-term positive changes in your own life. She also touches on simple strategies we can all add into our daily routines to be happier people, how to avoid getting off track once the rush of completing a major goal wears off, and shares examples she has come across with other runners that are extremely he