Missing Maura Murray

389 // Missing & Stolen Artwork



In this episode, Crawlspace Media's Tim Pilleri & Lance Reenstierna speak with Eric Ulis & Stephanie Rabinowitz. Eric is a passionate investigator who will go to the ends of the earth if it meant obtaining answers to the greatest crimes in history. The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist is one that he's fixed his sights on and along the way, he teamed with Stephanie - a woman who might hold the key to the perpetrator's identity. Their investigation recently took them to the former home - specifically the recesses of a large stone fireplace - of a man Stephanie dated at the time of the heist. Brian McDevitt was his name and he is considered one of the most realistic persons of interest in the crime. In this episode, they reveal their findings. Stay up to date with Eric's adventures: https://ericulis.com/ Follow Eric: Twitter - https://twitter.com/ericulis, Instagram - https://instagram.com/official.eric.ulis, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCewfNi-lPOshvd9t55NXbbA/ Check out Stephanie's art and ph