Andrew Leigh Mp: Speeches & Conversations

Repairing Australia's housing crisis - Peter Mares in Conversation with Andrew Leigh



As a part of the ANU / Canberra Times 'Meet the Author' series, I joined Peter Mares to shine some light on Australia's housing affordabilty blindspots. Peter's new book is called No Place Like Home: Repairing Australia's Housing Crisis.  More than a million lower-income households in Australia pay above the affordability benchmark for their housing costs. More than 100,000 people are homeless. Seventy per cent of us are concerned we'll never own property. Yet owning a home is still seen by most Australians as an essential part of our way of life. Peter's expertly informed and eminently readable, No Place Like Home cuts through the noise around housing affordability and asks the common-sense questions about why we do housing the way we do, and what the alternatives might be. You can learn more about No Place Like Home here.