Stay Wealthy San Diego

Why We Need to Stop Talking About “Paying Off the National Debt”



The U.S. national debt recently crossed $34 trillion. Without causing some serious pain, paying off this debt is nearly impossible to do. We would have to dramatically cut spending in some VERY important areas, increase taxes, or both. This debacle has led many to label this situation as catastrophic... a "building that we’re stuck in that will need to collapse on us before we can leave." But is it really as bad as some make it out to be? Is $34 trillion of debt truly an issue?  Should we really be focused on paying down (or paying off) this debt?  To help answer these questions and shed light on this complex topic, I'm joined today by Cullen Roche, monetary economic expert and CIO of Discipline Funds. ----- WANT MORE RETIREMENT PLANNING TIPS? Join 5,000+ listeners and subscribe to the Stay Wealthy Retirement Newsletter. As a thank you, you'll receive a copy of my 2024 Tax Planning Cheatsheet.