Business With Super Joe Pardo

Stop Treadmilling on Zero in YOUR Business!


Sinopse In business it can be hard to see how all of the little wins add up to big wins. I want you to stop treadmilling on zero with your business and add up all of the sales and wins that you've had for the calendar year. So when someone stops you and asks how it is going, you KNOW how it is going. You are left guessing, leaving doubt in the other person's mind that you know what you are doing. It can hurt your thought process too if you  constantly feel like you aren't making money or enough money. Stop looking for that home run when it comes to sales and success (whatever success looks like to you). I will talk about success in an upcoming episode! On a side note, I hope you are all enjoying these mini episodes that I am publishing to YouTube. Please let me know what you think in the comments or shoot me an email. :) Have a magical  weekend! Shoot me your questions to Episode 249 Transcription 1 00:00:00,380 --> 00:00:08,570 everybody i think i just started