Business With Super Joe Pardo

Samantha Riley made her first Million Dollars by her mid twenties, as a high school dropout!



Samantha Riley paved her path to entrepreneurship from an early age, even leaving high school to do so! Samantha Riley is the author of the new book The Heart of Entrepreneurship and the creator of the Accelerant Group where she helps business owners amplify their message so that they can make a bigger impact and charge higher fees. Samantha made her first Million Dollars by her mid twenties, as a high school dropout selling dancewear through her retail stores. Over the past 20 years, she built several highly successful businesses and worked with over a hundred experts (coaches, consultants etc) helping them create businesses that allow them to live the life they envisioned when they first quit their day job. Through her coaching programs, she helps experts become more visible and get their message out in a bigger way to maximize their impact. Check out Samantha's site at! Matt and I spent nearly the first hour catching up on a ton of topics that I had on my mind! Samant