Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Dr Padma Garvey - Vegan Mother & Practicing Doctor That Uses Plant Based Nutrition Clinically



In Episode #9 of The Proof podcast, I talked to Dr Padma Garvey about her story and how she uses plant-based nutrition in her medical practice. We covered Padma and her family’s personal transition to a plant-based lifestyle, as well as diving into how she uses plant-based nutrition clinically and explains it to her patients.  Some specific topics that we touch on are how the number of menstruation cycles over a woman’s life can be affected by animal products, particularly high-fat animal products; tips for cooking with oil; and changes in the Indian diet. Padma also shares some great tips for anyone transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle. If you enjoy the episode and want to hear more from Padma, you can jump over to her podcast: the Doctor Mom’s Podcast by Dr Padma Garvey on iTunes. Enjoy, friends. Simon Want to support the show?  The best way to support the show is to use the products and services offered by our sponsors. To check them out, and enjoy great savings, visit  Simon