Story U Talk Radio With Coach Debby

Beginner’s Mistakes Fixed With 3 Easy Words



If you’re finding it hard to stay committed to new goals for the year, ask yourself if you’ve truly said YES!! After all, yes, means yes!! It can be really scary to commit to a full year of blogging or a full length book, but you don’t want to leave before you even get started. Say YES to your dream. Say YES and invest in support. Remember, you are “authoring” your way through your beautiful life. Say Yes to it!   Coach Debby is offering free 30minute consultations to anyone (not just writers) who are wanting to discuss a big goal that will stretch you out of your natural “coast” through life. Simply send your request to: Follow Debby Handrich on socials and subscribe to Story U Talk Radio   Sign up now for 50% off of Coach Debby’s April course: THE WRITER’S IMMERSION you will receive 8 pre-recorded classes throughout April that you can listen to on your own timeline. Sign up now and save 50%. $399 total