Customer Service Academy

151: Great Employee Experiences = Great Customer Experiences



Teams will reflect how they are treated back onto their teams.  Take the time to lead with a sense of empathy and enthusiasm and you will find they deliver higher quality experiences for guests, customers, and consumers.   Visit to invest in your sales team.   - Employee experience begins with the hiring process, orientation, and onboarding. - Intentionally leading with empathy will help you lead your team the way they want to be led. - Communicate in a way the informs withour overwhelming. - Understanding the different generations in the workplace will help you lead them better. - Create welcoming and inclusive environments will help attract and retain top talent.   It's time for the great service comeback!  Visit to invest in my latest virtual hospitality program.     Tony Johnson is a Customer Experience Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Author with a wide background including decades in retail and restaurants.  He regularly speaks and coaches organizations t