Intrepid Northeast Radio

EP#9: The Art of Fear with Kristen Ulmer



Kristen Ulmer joins us on Intrepid Northeast Radio to talk about her favorite topic - Fear. Her new book, The Art of Fear: Why Conquering Fear Won't Work and What to Do Instead, hits book shelves this month.  Kristen was the extreme ski industry's first female stars, and was considered the best female extreme skier in the world throughout the 1990's. Landing roles in Warren Miller ski films and decorating the pages of Powder magazine with her big air jumps, it's pretty certain that she's encountered plenty of situations that are pretty scary by anyone's standards (except maybe Alex Honnald). After retiring from big mountain skiing in 2003, she spent the following 14 years teaching on subjects such as optimal sports performance, flow states, and developing a healthy relationship with fear as a way to inform decisions. Rather than repress fear, which can cause unpleasant side effects like excessive anger and avoidance behaviors, Kristen developed a method called Shift: The Game of 10,000 Wisdoms, that incorpor