Intrepid Northeast Radio

EP#5: Backcountry Skiing with David Goodman



David Goodman first wrote his epic book, Best Backcountry Skiing in the Northeast: 50 Classic Ski Tours In New England And New York, in 1988. Since then, it has become the bible for anyone seeking to venture out past the downhill resorts and groomed cross country trails. David talks with us today about the history of backcountry skiing and how the sport originated with the Great Depression and the establishment of the Civilian Conservation Corps, and how these trails eventually led to the development of today's downhill resorts. He also tells us what is fueling the revival of backcountry skiing, with more and more skiers and snowboarders seeking a more wilderness experience than can be had with lift serviced skiing.  Like any adventure sport, access can become a problem when participants fail to act responsibly, which has led to the creation of several backcountry ski alliances to help advance the sport and steward the natural resources that we enjoy. David introduces us to some of these groups such as: Cata