Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.8- More Than Hearers



How do you think the American church is doing with providing opportunities for people to hear the Gospel? Can you think of any other time in church history with more creative, engaging, resources of biblical content. We have thousands of conferences & seminars offering fresh perspectives on how to connect with God on a deeper level. We have seminaries online & in person. Amazon carries books on every topic, subject, or book in scripture. Over the last few decades, we’ve platformed world-class speakers in ways that have made them ubiquitous. We have YouTube, podcasts, and bible apps, we gather, download, press play, & hear the Gospel multiple times a day. And what about our worship experience in the American church compared to any other time in church history? At any time, you can press play on highly skilled, highly produced incredible songwriters who make great music. We’ve mastered ways to provide engaging, comfortable, convenient opportunities for people to hear. Yet the vast majority of thos