Hope Presbyterian Church In Winston-salem Sermons

The Gospel of God: Being Who You Are



Series: The Gospel of GodScripture: Romans 6:1-14 “Salvation by grace, salvation by free grace, salvation not by works but according to the mercy of God is indispensable to godliness. Retain a single shred or fragment of legality with the Gospel and you take away the power of the Gospel to melt and conciliate. On the tenure of ‘do this and you will live,’ a spirit of fearfulness is sure to enter; and the man striving to be square and even with his Creator is, in fact, pursuing all the while his own selfishness instead of God’s glory. It is only when, in the Gospel, acceptance is bestowed as a present, without money and without price, [that he can then] repose in Him as one friend reposes in another… rejoicing in the impulse of gratitude, by which he is awakened to the charms of a new moral existence. And never does the sinner find within himself so mighty a moral transformation, as when under the belief that he is saved by grace, he feels constrained thereby to offer his heart a devoted thing, and to deny ung