Dr. Friedemann Schaub

Journaling vs. Meditation: Find Your Path to Inner Peace | ES179



You may have heard the saying: “The longest journey is the one from the head to the heart.” And it is also the most rewarding one. But how do you develop a deeper, heart-centered connection with yourself to navigate life with greater ease and grace? Meditating is undoubtedly an option many have found to be the key to unlocking your true self. But what if you find the stillness and the discipline of sitting calmly feels more frustrating than transformative? In today's episode of Empowerment Solutions, we explore a different path that can lead you to discover more about your true self - journaling, a gentle practice of self-awareness and reflection. My special guest today, Diana Raab, brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to this topic. With 60 years of journaling and decades of teaching and writing about it, Diana Raab offers a unique perspective on this healing art.Dr. Friedemann's Takeaways:Intro (00:00)Healing through journaling (05:12)Journaling techniques and benefits (09:25)Journaling for self-exp