Cloud Streaks

82. Is Free Speech Right? Mentioning Sam Harris, Ben Thompson, Yuval Harai & More.



"Free speech is the master value as it's the value that updates all othe values." “I’m worried that as technology gets more powerful that it’ll be easier for the minorities who want to screw things up, to screw things up.” “Today it’s possible for one person to derange the lives of million, even billions of people.” Sam Harris. Who is worse for free speech? The hard left or the hard right? IMO the hard left. Woke people. “Woke mind virus is the biggest threat to the civilization” IMO extremists on the left or the right are the problem. Extremists in general. The more annoyed they get about each other the worse. IMO wokeism is much more accepted in main stream than trumpism. Woke: a state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everythign exepct their own behaviour. It's interesting. This is causing the loss of free speech. And that is hard core problematic because handing power to governments who normally don't give it back. Power corrupts, and ultimate power corrupts ultim